About Us

good hair growth

I spent most of my career in the beauty industry and also became a yoga teacher and then trained in alternative healthcare and became a homeopath, but it wasn’t until my hair started to get noticeably thinner that my health and wellness research took on a more earnest form.

I went to see top experts in Harley Street London and trialed many hair products and systems to get my hair back to its full glory. Nothing worked and back then I was very scared and kept looking on the internet at some bad cases which made me feel worse.

When my business partner Carol had breast cancer, she lost all her hair which was incredibly upsetting as well as shocking, we started to talk about our shared issue and try out some of the same products.  Not everything we tried worked and we undertook the research to find out why, even when products had been backed up by scientific research.  We were determined to get our hair back to full strength and healthy growth and as we both had the good fortune to work with experts within the industry, we were able to research extensively what worked best for hair growth and why.

We researched all the key nutrients that are needed to grow and maintain healthy hair and put them in these supplements Good Hair Nutrient Complex.  Good Hair is designed to work in three ways, firstly to combat thinning hair, to decrease shedding and also to help regain healthy strong growth again.  We think we have hit gold and so do many of our volunteers who trialed the supplements for us.

So many other health and happiness factors come in to play when it comes to gaining naturally healthy hair growth and we wanted to talk about these as well, so everyone has the chance to properly re-gain their Good Hair.

Click here to read Carol's story.